I am a terrible blog buddy! 😞 I am so sorry that I have not been paying attention to all your amazing and wonderful posts. I do have a feeble, but credible defense.

My adult children are both between jobs and done with college. Which means that when they call me up and say “mom, do you want to climb/paddle board/go on a hike/see a movie…” I say “YES!” You see, I know that this is a rare opportunity for me. Next summer, they will be working, and/or in graduate school, in other states. I am milking this for all I can while they are nearby! 😉

The hubby and I have also been traveling quite a bit too. We recently went on an OARS trip for our anniversary in July. I have mentioned the OARS company when I wrote about adventure traveling. They organize and partner with local groups to set up adventures all over the world. This time we headed up to Bear Camp, at Chilko Lake in Northern Canada. This beautiful and remote property is owned and operated by Brian and Ashley, a married couple that hosts adventures all over the world! You can find out more about them at Iroamtheworld.com.

Granville Island, Vancouver

The first part of this adventure required us to drive up to Vancouver, BC. Having lived most of our lives in Seattle, we have been to Vancouver many times. But this was the first time we have ever stayed at Granville Island. What a treat!!! We were sad that we only had one night there.


The island has running paths, ferry rides, paddle boarding… So many activities and in the heart of this amazing skyline.


Check out these silos! The art work is vibrant and impressive.


I found this building to be so unique.


This pirate ship cruises around the island to the delight of many squealing kids!


The local street market reminded me of Pike Place in Seattle. It is full of fresh foods, unique gifts and specialty foods. I took way to many pictures, but will spare you!


Getting to Bear Camp

Did I mention that this is remote?😳 We boarded a small plane in Vancouver, and flew to Williams Lake. The plane held 18 passengers, with the pilots that makes 20 people total.







Once at Williams Lake, we then pilled into a van and drove for another 4 hours to the camp. Many of us cited this bus ride as the low point of the trip. Still worth it to get there! But, a long dusty ride!

Arrival Time!

The main lodge, where we have our meals and meet for our activities, had our tent assignments and morning coffee drink orders! Yes, this is glamping!!


This is tent #8, our home for the next 5 days 😊 as seen from the lake.


And, inside the tent…a king bed with lamps, heated blanket and beautiful wooden furniture.


Some of you may be wondering about the facilities. Well, check out this gorgeous shower (one of three available for the guests). Each is hand crafted with the stones from the lake.


And check out our view from the deck! The water is clear, clean (no filtration needed) and COLD 😬. Canadian mountain water, all the way!


The Activities

We only had three full days and wanted to spend as much time on the water as possible. We decided to brave the class I and class II rapids in the inflatable Kayaks on the first day.

It was actually raining a bit for most of the day. But we were supplied with full wet suits and were never cold!


I was not good at this! And did find myself in a tree (or two!) but it was a blast!


The second day we decided to attack one of the hardest hikes we have ever been on!

This is Mount Tuillan, it is 12 miles round trip, so that is 6 miles with 3000 ft gain, and back again!



Finally, the views were starting to pay off about half way up!


And then the top!


We are smiling here, but actually suffering. So sore and the mosquitoes were the worst part!! 😫


The biting bugs were so bad in fact, that we jumped on some paddle boards to get out onto the lake once we returned from this hike. Our theory was that there would be no bugs out there!

Look how clear this water is!!


We really enjoyed the calm water, and the peaceful, relaxing time on the lake. Unfortunately, Dennis still managed to get a large bite while in the middle of the lake!


After killing my upper body kayaking in the trees, and my lower body hiking the mountiain, I wanted something fun and simple for the last day. Fishing!! 🎣


We landed 8 fish between the three of us! We released them, but it was so fun watching the trout hit the lures. The water was that clear!


The one activity that we did not do was horse back riding, but this is also available on this trip.

Now for something important, the food!

Of course we have to talk about the food! One of the hallmarks of an OARS trip is that they provide all the meals. And, they don’t skimp on that!

Our first dinner was served right on butcher paper, down the center of the table! I love this idea, and plan to steal it😊






Another dinner!


Desserts were delicious too! 🍫


Dennis loved this vegan fudge.


And, eggs Benedict anyone? Don’t you always make that when you go camping💕


All great things must come to an end, and it was time to make our long, long way back to civilization. Fortunately, we were spared the four hour bus ride this time! We took a float plane back to Vancouver. This was my first time on an amphibian aircraft and I was so excited!


This time it was a family of 4 and us! 7 whole people on this flight, counting the all important pilot😊


Gorgeous views!



And back to Vancouver


From here is was just a simple 4 hour drive back to Seattle (thank you border control 😬)


This was our second OARS trip and we enjoyed it just as much as our first, a decade ago!

When is the next one you ask? In 5 days!!!! Yep, our entire family -including a boyfriend and grandparents, are heading to Moab to raft a segment of the Colorado!

Thank you for hanging in there with me this summer!💕


32 thoughts on “Adventure Travel and an Apology💕

  1. There is so much that I adore about this post. Granville Islands is one of my favourite places to chill out (and I will be doing just that with my Grandson next week). Dinner served on butcher’s paper is brilliant – I will also be borrowing that idea. Most of all, I love your sense of adventure. I had originally misread your hiking gain to be 3000 meters (9842.52 feet)!! Either way, you are my hiking hero!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This looks like such an amazing time Dee Dee!!! Those views, the adventure…the food. It looks like heaven. 🙂 I’ve been in the same boat over the summer with spending as much time as possible with my teens. I hope the second OARS trip was just as much of a blast!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my goodness, what an adventure! I read your post with great interest and examined every photo! Great photos by the way. I spend a month in Canada this summer, mostly in Ontario, a bit on Quebec, but it wasn’t nearly as exciting as your trip. And the food looks delicious too!

    Liked by 1 person

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