
I hope this works! This is my first post from my new, and highly improved, computer!

I am so sorry to my blog buddies, I am so behind on many of your great articles, recipes and stories!! My old lap top just couldn’t keep up with anything anymore 😒! So after 2 hours at the only Mac store in Tucson, and a few grand lighter in my wallet, I am back online 🤞.

The amazing Roda, from Growing Self Blog has issued a challenge! The mission is to find signs of spring as we say good bye to winter! 🦋

The weather is fabulous in Tucson (80Fs all week!). I had to get outside the other day and decided to head over to nearby Sabino Canyon. I have been there many times and while it is a great place, it has always been extremely dry. Not this time! Apparently spring in the desert means water, and lot of it.

This is the Sabino Creek trail, where I usually walk straight through the dry sand. Today there was no way to cross over to the other side.


The top of the dam, which is never wet!


We have never seen water trickling over the dam, but now it is in torrents!


There were families out enjoying this anomaly!

I had to take a video to prove to my family that this really did happen! Remember this is dry and dusty most of the year, and this was the first time we have had any evidence that the dam was more than just ornamental ☺️

I will be out looking for more signs, if this post works! 💕


33 thoughts on “Roda’s Signs of Spring Challenge!

  1. Wow!! That place is usually dry? But theres so much water! I love the video, the sound is so relaxing! And the pictures! Glad to hear you’ll be around more now! My old laptop was the same, he couldn’t load anything anymore the poor thing!

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