Now that I have returned to Tucson, Arizona I have been able to locate some critters again! The weather in Redmond, Washington is too cold, wet and dark for most animals to be running around but here in Tucson, I am having better luck!

Our son is done with his fall semester and he has not seen our new home here in Tucson yet. So he and I are setting out to do some rock climbing over the Christmas holiday, but our first stop was a quick hike in Sabino Canyon.

We happened across this road runner, who was stalking something and ran out in front of us.


He was moving fast, and this was the best of the two shots I got before he disappeared!

We are heading to Sheepshead to climb Ewphoria and I hope to see some more critters 🙂


24 thoughts on “Roda’s Critter Connection, Fall Edition

  1. They’re so pretty! I can’t believe you were able to snap a picture. Hope you find lots of critters and enjoy the change of weather! If you wanted warmth and critters, you should have gotten your second home in the south! I can attest to us having plenty of BOTH!

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